Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, we haven't been up to much, except surprised about M's class date--could it be any sooner? He keeps getting information about what he needs to buy and bring for it and its exciting to hear each new thing. Meanwhile, we're trying to finish small projects to get the house ready to sell. Hopefully we'll all get over this awful flu soon. D seems to be almost better, cept for the runny nose. I thought this pic turned out cute of the girls, we loved having Alli over to play. have a good one!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This could be the end of Lindsay...

I am not sure why I thought this triathlon was such a good idea...actually I am pretty sure now that it is the worst idea ever! I mean what could be better? I get to look really cool in my wet suit in front of tons of people and then I GET to kill myself trying to complete the thing! Oh backing out now...I am sure Kris will have some very flattering pictures of me for all of you to see! Have a great weekend...pretty sure it will be better than mine! Ha! Ha!

Monday, April 7, 2008


more snow! on april 7th! fun...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

March in Mesa

Hey Everyboday...I am so impressed with your blogging skills, sorry we are so late to jump on the bandwagon. Here is a little update of what we have been doing! Alli had a blast playing with Tate, Chase and Presley, she was so sad when they left. She was a little tired on Easter Sunday from playing with them that she was not very excited to get her picture taken in her Easter dress...this is the best one we got...little stinker!
Missy-as for watching 4 wasn't too bad...but I only had them all for a day...not day after day! Probably the the most interesting moment was when I got brave and took them all to the mall to play with a couple of my friends and their kids. They played really good and Presley is the best 1 year old I have ever lie...she was so content what ever we were doing. So after we played we went and got some lunch and then all three of rugrats had to go to the bathroom. So I left Presley with my friend Amy and we all took off to the bathroom. Apparently Chase had held it too long and started dancing in front of the potty. As I was trying to help him get his pants down, Alli stripped down and tried to get on the potty, but missed and end up peeing all over the floor! But I didn't have time to stop her because Chase was going to do the same if I didn't get him on the potty! Needless to say we were done at the mall after that expierence! I guess you live and you learn! All I can say is good luck...that night when Kris I got home I took off for an hour run for my alone time!