Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Temple

I got Leah a new quiet book for Church and one of the pages has a little girl trying on a wedding dress, and she got an idea. So we got mine out (might as well play with it for a minute since it's just in the closet taking up space anyway). She thought that was pretty fun. Then last weekend we drove down to see the new Draper Temple which is almost done.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The New Pad!

not too bad eh?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Yates Reunion

Nice to see everyone at the family reunion:-)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brotherly Love!!:}

I thought I would show you how Tate gently man handles his siblings! I assure you no one was hurt in the process.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

D-Roo Turns 2

We've been having fun hanging out in good ol' Colorado!  Drew turned 2 last monday, and he's a little bit terrible:-)  He likes to scream alot, it's very hard on the ears!  Thought I'd share this video/slideshow of his big day (sorry its kinda long!) :-

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Kris and Matt!

Happy Birthday Kris and Matt! Hope you guys both had great days! Sorry I am little late Matt. hope you still had a good one...even if you got under-roos for your Birthday!
Ha! Ha! Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, we haven't been up to much, except surprised about M's class date--could it be any sooner? He keeps getting information about what he needs to buy and bring for it and its exciting to hear each new thing. Meanwhile, we're trying to finish small projects to get the house ready to sell. Hopefully we'll all get over this awful flu soon. D seems to be almost better, cept for the runny nose. I thought this pic turned out cute of the girls, we loved having Alli over to play. have a good one!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

This could be the end of Lindsay...

I am not sure why I thought this triathlon was such a good idea...actually I am pretty sure now that it is the worst idea ever! I mean what could be better? I get to look really cool in my wet suit in front of tons of people and then I GET to kill myself trying to complete the thing! Oh backing out now...I am sure Kris will have some very flattering pictures of me for all of you to see! Have a great weekend...pretty sure it will be better than mine! Ha! Ha!

Monday, April 7, 2008


more snow! on april 7th! fun...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

March in Mesa

Hey Everyboday...I am so impressed with your blogging skills, sorry we are so late to jump on the bandwagon. Here is a little update of what we have been doing! Alli had a blast playing with Tate, Chase and Presley, she was so sad when they left. She was a little tired on Easter Sunday from playing with them that she was not very excited to get her picture taken in her Easter dress...this is the best one we got...little stinker!
Missy-as for watching 4 wasn't too bad...but I only had them all for a day...not day after day! Probably the the most interesting moment was when I got brave and took them all to the mall to play with a couple of my friends and their kids. They played really good and Presley is the best 1 year old I have ever lie...she was so content what ever we were doing. So after we played we went and got some lunch and then all three of rugrats had to go to the bathroom. So I left Presley with my friend Amy and we all took off to the bathroom. Apparently Chase had held it too long and started dancing in front of the potty. As I was trying to help him get his pants down, Alli stripped down and tried to get on the potty, but missed and end up peeing all over the floor! But I didn't have time to stop her because Chase was going to do the same if I didn't get him on the potty! Needless to say we were done at the mall after that expierence! I guess you live and you learn! All I can say is good luck...that night when Kris I got home I took off for an hour run for my alone time!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring snow!!!

All is well here in Orem... A little snow to start off spring! I hope everyone has a chance to test out this blog...if you have any questions give me a call...I'm looking for a way to send out an email every time someone post something. That should help us keep this going. Have a great week!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Sunday

Hello there!
Thanks for setting up the blog J. Miley is a cutie! We thought we post a few Easter pics. We hid the kids' easter baskets in the morning for them to find. Then after church we went over to gram & gramps for dinner and an Easter Egg Hunt. Leah and drew both loved it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Miley Update!

Hello Everyone!!!

I'm so glad Jc got this started! Good job J! Anyhow just alittle update Mom was oh so kind to watch the three little rug rats. I have to say she has crossed the line and is holding the kids hostage. You would think Mom and Dad would be more than happy to return them but somethings going on here. They haven't named a price yet but I may need to borrow some money when I find out how much it's going to cost to release them. I'm guessing it will be the cost of what they damaged plus 10%. Miley is also being held hostage in the NICU and they won't release her until she hits four pounds and our BILL hits $100,000.00! I guess we don't need our kids that bad:) Kidding Tate.......We miss you kids.......Please Mom release them:)

Miley drank 12cc out of the bottle. She keeps drinking alittle more out of the bottle. Today they turned the temp off in her incubator and she is holding her temp really well. They said she may be small but she is mature for her age. We all know she doesn't get that from me!! Haha of course she does. She gained big time last night. She went from 3'6 to 3'9. She is taking after her sister!

Lindsay thanks for helping them out and watching the kids. You will have to let me know what it's like to take care of four and BE HONEST!!

I will let you know more when more exciting things happen....I thinks you all need to take after my great example and let us know whats going on in your oh so busy lives!!!!!

Love you all and thanks for all the fasting and prayers for Miley Mckenna Walton!!


Lets see how this works! A few photos of Miley.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Olson Crew

Hi family! Lets see if this will work as a family blog/posting page. This way we can share photos and keep up with each others adventures! Don't ask me how this will work because I have no idea!!